Voice Recovery

We never “willingly” engage in damaging vocal techniques, yet a great many vocal problems are a direct result of how we unconsciously “do” singing. When singers encounter hoarseness, tension, limited range, or experience health problems that affect the voice, Jamea Sale teaches students to understand their instrument and to recognize habits that interfere with healthy singing.


During adolescence the male larynx grows dramatically (posterior to anterior) which is evidenced visually by the development of the Adam’s apple. Considering the length of infant vocal cords are around 3mm and adult male vocal cords grow to around 10mm in length at this time, it is no wonder that the boy voice is such a well-known phenomenon. The adolescent boy “has the dual problem of coping with his new condition and of feeling that he is ‘advertising’ his situation every time he uses his voice (Joseph, 1965, p. 96).”


Ms. Sale prioritizes the healthy development of vocal skills especially for changing-voice-adolescents. She focused research on the female changing voice while in the KU Music Education/Music Therapy department. Since the 1980’s, the understanding of female voice development has drawn new interest. It is now recognized that adolescent females experience stages of voice change. Under the care of Jamea Sale, each adolescent girl will learn to understand her vocal progress in terms of the female voice change. A progress of the change will be charted by SFF (speaking fundamental frequency), range, voice quality, and lift points along with any concerns and recommendations for future work. The student and teacher celebrate the growing voice together!